get us he did. Way back in 1967, you would struggle to go anywhere without hearing those lyrics seeping through many a stereo. Why? Because Jimi Hendirx was taking the world on with his debut studio album, Are You Experienced.
For me, Hendrix was the greatest rock instrumentalist of the Sixties. I know there is an age-old argument that compares the American with Eric Clapton. However, in my opinion they’re different. Hendrix’s take on playing the guitar was much rawer than Clapton’s. His direct assault contrasted roughly with the meticulous virtuosity of Eric Clapton. Think of it as Hendrix being the owner of an old Mustang, whilst Clapton owns a new Mercedes; they’ll both hit 180mph, however the Mustang will make a lot more noise whilst doing so. Hendrix’s rough edges expresses far more than his awesome dexterity. He played with a fresh sound that transcended organic formalities.
His debut album, Are You Experienced, showcased Hendrix as the wizard that he was. It’s clearly displays Jimi’s ability to take R&B based grooves, chuck them in a blender with distortion and psychedelic noises, and then take the results and play the most amazing feedback-laden guitar over the top. And this was the catalyst that made him the international star that is still is today.

At the time when Are You Experienced was released, Jimi's vocal delivery was totally alien to what the tame Motown croonings we were used to. His approach was fresh. The subject matter in which he sang about couldn't be further from what the mainstream had every experienced before. Let's be honest, he's hardly describing the feeling that he gets from watching his favourite football team score a touchdown when he screams, "'excuse me while I kiss the sky" down the microphone.
In order to get through the day after you wake in the morning, you have to inhale and exhale oxygen. This is a fact. If Cristiano Ronaldo and I were to have a competition to touch the highest point on a wall by standing on our wallets, he would win. That again, is a fact. Jimi Hendrix's debut album , Are You Experienced, has shaped the way in which people play the guitar and write music today. This again is an undeniable, indisputable, unarguable FACT.
Are You Experienced has been written into the history books as one of the greatest albums ever. It' was ahead of it's time in so many different ways. Here you had a man who had charisma by the bucket load, and could actually communicate with people through the guitar. Hendrix shook the world into shape in a massive, massive way. He was a pioneer that’s still recognised today, alongside Clapton, as the greatest guitarist that ever lived.
So in answer to Jimi's original question, am I experienced enough? Most definitely not. But he is. And although he wasn't with us for long, I'm glad that he got the opportunity to show everyone just how experienced he actually was.
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