Filling the Airwaves: Volume Two

There has been some cool music released this week. Below, I’ve listed three albums which, when replaced the noise created by an ever present dog barking next door, particularly stuck out.

Ian Brown is back making grown men romp around like they’re at the Empress Ballroom in '89 with his latest studio release.

'My Way' has been deliciously produced. Dave McCrakin really has played on Brown's strengths by taking the mancunians low-end gritty vocals and placing them on platter with endless keyboard stabs and killer synths. The result is big. I personally think that 'My Way' is the best the former Stone Roses front man has treated us to this decade.

Next up is Kid Harpoon. I've been a big fan of Harpoon's music for sometime now. The news that he was FINALLY going to be dropping his debut album was a joyous occasion. Various tracks and EP's have been circulating long enough to wet the apatite sufficiently to want to hear more, back-to-back, on an album. So as my copy of 'Once' dropped through the door on Monday I was ready to give it a battering.

My immediate reaction to 'Once' was; "Jesus, this is over produced". Kid Harpoon's older music came packaged with a raw edge that gave it an unprocessed charm. This is where the appeal lied for me. 'Once' doesn't deliver that. It's very smooth in it's production. The clarity of each individual instrument is as clear as day, and for me this makes it loose some of the spark that the earlier Harpoon tracks had.

However, after I got over my initial reaction I discovered that I was not disappointed in the music department. Harpoon is an extremely talented song writer. He makes this perfectly obvious to see as 'Once' gives birth to some fantastic songs. Harpoon has a natural ability to create catchy rhythms that appeal to the mainstream whilst keeping the more purist music heads interested.

In my opinion this is an excellent album that has given Harpoon the platform to go on to bigger and better things. This is only the beginning for Harpoon and I feel that this debut has helped to construct him a bright future. 'Once' is definitely worth an investment. Just don't get caught up in the quality of the production like I did.

Like Kid Harpoon, September 28th also saw Hockey’s debut album ‘Mind Chaos’ hit shelves, sex shops, staff canteens and the tape deck of my mate Dave’s Escort XR3i. There’s been a lot of media hype surrounding this US four piece since they independently released ‘Mind Chaos’ for the first time last year. However, now they’re doing it all again with the backing of EMI.

Hockey have drawn comparison with the likes of LCD Soundsytem in the past. However, for me the comparison finishes after you realise that they both play music. Although they're no LCD, ‘Mind Chaso’ is an intelligent album that sits Hockey where they need to be, right now. Their music is very 2009. It incorporates stylish vocals, 80’s sounds and infectious grooves. This album is worth a listen. Although, as good as it may sound initially, if you could rent CD’s from Blockbuster, I would probably get it from there.

Ian Brown

My Way


Kid Harpoon




Mind Chaos


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